Remember the 60's and 70's when friends and family would torture you with endless hours of unedited 8mm soundless home movies of their children?
No more being cloistered in someone's living room where there is no escape while the film rolls. No, we are in the YouTube Generation. Now everyone can be a movie producer for a world-wide audience. You just gotta love technology. Movies on demand. Sit with your laptop and view at your leisure. 24-7. Be there or be square.
Of course everyone knows that Milo's Butler Grandmother is a Techno-Geek. No question about out it. Then ergo...our offspring Kelly did not have a chance for avoiding the techo world big time. She was surrounded by it all her life. Small wonder that her art business is Internet based. Small wonder that she found a mate that is as technology obsessed as she is. A techno-union made in heaven.
What is the probability that Milo Sparks will be surrounded by all the latest gadgets of the digital world? Mighty high mathematical probability, I'd say.
To initiate him into this technology "flattened" 21st Century world is of course, YouTube.
He is one week old today and a world star of major significance (well at least to his grandparents).
Find Milo on his own YouTube site at:
Oops, now that I think of it, Lew has tied a few people to the couch and made them look at his vacation photos. I am physic and see a vision of the two of us gluing friends and family to a chair in the den and coercing them to look (and enjoy) the latest and greatest movies of Milo on my Blog and YouTube. Oh dear!
This Internet address above is not a "hot link" to YouTube.
See the hot link at the top left of the Blog or paste the URL into your browser. (Did everyone get those Techno_Geek-Directions?)
Inner Sanctum Mysteries, The
9 years ago
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