Milo is now 3.5 months old and has moved into his crib , leaving the small confines of his great Bassinet behind. So far, he is sleeping great in his crib and enjoying the crib soother Rainforest sound device we received at our shower. He sleeps in a Halo sleep sack. He doesn't seem to need a pacifier too often and can fall asleep on his own in his crib with only a few minutes of severe fussing.
He is reaching out to grab things, sucking on his hands, babbling loudly to both Paul and I, And Flipping over from his stomach to his back. I can foresee a roll from his back to his tummy on his left side is not too far away from happening.
I decided to make a video of him in his crib for the first time and a video of him flipping over. Please check out his YouTube Page for all videos of Milo.

With Judy feeling much better today and her return from the hospital certain to occur early this week, I will be able to take Milo to see her once she is home. I had intended to take Milo to the hospital, but as her recovery was a bit slowed at first, it seemed like a better idea to wait until she was back home.
What a cutie and sounds like he is a Great baby! We too love the Halo sleepsack - it saved us! good for you for keeping him safe!